Along with the open of China, more and more friends who are from the other cultures would like to know China via learning Chinese langauge. :-) I had got more and more letters to ask me to offer some help on Chinese learning.
In about April, 2005, some letters about asking me to offer Chinese numbers 1 - 100, to offer some general greeting wordes and their voice files. The fact that the voice files was too big so that it was too difficult to send via an email, so, I started to think of opening a culumn on my own web site to offer a help to the friends who are needing help on Chinese learning. :-) So, I started the work from the National Holiday of May Day, 2005. At the first, I started a
Chinese Classical Poems culumn. Then, some friends thought it was too difficult to learn for the beginners, so, I tried to open this column to offer the daily Chinese.
If you checked this part, you would find that I have been changing my content and the work way for hoping the content and teaching way is more suitable to the friends who are from the other cultures to learn... Until now, I am still learning, trying and exploring, I do hope to get your support, directions and help...

If you have any questions, comments and suggestions, please write to
shirley@ebridge.cn , or
shirleyz004@yahoo.com, You are welcomed to publish your opinions in
Forum For Friends as well. You are welcomed.
--ShirleySun. Feb, 19, 2006