How are you? Have you had a good weekend?
This is a meaningful week in my life.
-- Monday afternoon, Sep 6, 2010, I got a good result of the biopsy that was made Aug 31. It has excluded the cancer for me.
-- Tuesday afternoon, Sep 7, 2010, in a new check, the doctors found and removed at least 6 gastric polyps from my stomach. At once, I was arranged to live in the second clinical department after I just left from the first clinical department for 10 days.
The result of the new biopsy will be known next Wed, Sep 15.
Compared with the ache and uncomfortable before the operation, what I felt Tuesday night was that I was given a new life -- I had the first and most comfortable sleep within the past 3 or 4 months -- It was for about 3 or 4 weeks, what I most scared was to eat meal or to lie in the bed for the ache or uncomfortable here or there; before the operation, I had only 3 meals for 7 days, so that I made a joke to myself that I had become a fairy who needed not to eat. :-)
Thursday morning, Sep 9, 2010, instead of permitting me to retire, our company offered me a sick leave for 6 months with salary. They would like to be responsible to me when I am sick and they would like to guard against the risk that I myself to stand whole of the result of my health checks, in case it is bad.
Friday afternoon, Sep 10, 2010, the School of the Chinese Painting of
China Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA) accepted me as its student formally. My long-term dream as an art student has become true on my birthday.
It was impossible for me to enroll in person in Beijing, Mr. Guo of
the School of Chinese Painting of CAFA allowed me to entrust someone else to register with my data and the hospital's certificate, he has also helped me to deal with something else, such as the library card, eating card,living card and so on. A good friend Mr. Chang prepaid whole of tuition fee and took some photos of the register locale for me as a memory.
After I lived into the hospital, my son invited me to have a vacation in Sydney, Australia;
his fathercame to see me in the hospital from Shanghai; my father, brother and sister called me and invited me to have a vacation in their cities...
My former classmate Ms. Amy Li, former colleagues Mrs. Xiaoqun Liao, Mrs. Xiaoling Zeng, Mrs. Zongli Li, my current colleagues Mrs. Xiaolu Gao, Mrs. Yu Tao, Mrs. Yanjie Yu, Mr. Shuliang Zhang came to see me in the hospital or my home and Mrs. Qingzhen Li was out of the operation room when I was on the operation table. As usual, I got a bunch of beautiful flowers from my former classmate Mrs. Bin Qi on my birthday...
Meanwhile, I have gotten so many emails from you and many friends of my over 3,500 registered readers from America, Europe, Australia and Asia...
Do you know what I am feeling after I have experienced so many things in the short week?
-- A right judgement is usually based on many different and complex phenomena, instead of one or two surface phenomena. Therefore, it requires poeple, no matter a doctor or a manager, to have a well-knit professional knowledge, skills, and the combined thinking and judgement ability to work on our positions. For example, last Dec and this Sep, I lived into the hospitals for the ache on my right and up belly, but the doctors removed some tumor or polypus from my stomache. It was for about 9 months, my eyes cannot see clear, the disease source is not on my eyes, but from my backbone.
-- Any individual's success is not only because of his or her own effort, but also the result of many the other individuals and organizations' care for, help and support. It is the result of " Effort of An Individual + Help of the Others + Good Luck".
-- Any individual as me, should not forget and cherish those individuals and organizations that have cared for me, helped me and supported me forever.
-- As an individual as me, should do my best to return my family members in China and in the other side of the Ocean, my doctors in the hospitals, my bosses, colleagues and cooperators in the companies, my teachers and professors in the universities and colleges and my friends in China, USA and all of the world, with matching my doctors to look after my health and lengthen my life,

while keep learning, working, and creating something most beautiful, to make my life is more meaningful, colourful and helpful to the others and this world.
How do you think of my idea? Do you have anything special this week?
Take care and thanks, have a good weekend.
If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, you are welcome to write to
shirley@ebridge.cn or
shirley004@yahoo.com, or to
publish your opinions in the forum. Shirley Yiping ZhangSun, Septemeber 12, 2010