Chinese & Art Classroom

01-2:Chinese in Classical Poetry

As most of Chinese, I started to touch Chinese classical poems when I was very young. :-) Along with the time, I started to know that in fact, China is a poetic country. Many idioms are from poems, many titles of literature,art,music works are lines. Lines have become a part of Chinese's daily life.

So, Maybe it's a good choice to know Chinese culture via learning Chinese poetry. :-)

Compare the modern poetry, after the sedimentary accretion for several thousands years, those Chinese classical poems that can be kept until today are a part of prime of Chinese culture and civilization. Plus its length of writing is short and easy to remember, so, it has been the best initiatory teaching material of the Chinese children.

So, when I started the Column -- Shirley's Language in May in 2005, I would like to make Chinese classical poetry to be a part of it’s and hope it can be a little bit help you to know more about Chinese language and Chinese culture.

I am just learning to do the work. I do hope to get your support and help.If you have any questions, comments and suggestions, please write to or, or publish your opinions in Forum For Friends. You are welcomed.

--Shirley Yiping Zhang
Sun. Feb, 19, 2006

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