Travel Diary
Poetry & Painting Classes
American Stories

Poetry & Painting Classes Events American Stories Art As a Bridge

Can you imagine? Before I sung a Chinese poem in Chinese and in English for Dr.Clifton M Smart (first one on the left) -President of Missouri State University, Dr.Hai Higron (in the middle) - President of Ozarks Technique Community College gave me a Certificate of Appreciation that was signed by Mr....more

Can you imagine? Before I sung a Chinese poem in Chinese and in English for President Clifton M Smart of Missouri State University (on the right), President Hai Higron (left) of Ozarks Technique Community College award me a Certificate of Appreciation that was signed by Dean Lance Renner of Ozarks T...more

As a graduate of Missouri State University, I appreciate the good education, direction and help of my Alma Mater forever.

The short study in Missouri State University not only helped me get my master degree, but also, it made my long-term art dream to be true.

Sept, 2009, my first ar...more

As a graduate of Missouri State University, I appreciate the good education, direction and help of my Alma Mater forever.

The short study in Missouri State University not only helped me get my master degree, but also, it made my long-term art dream to be true.

Sept, 2009, my first ar...more

After introducing Chinese painting's sorts and Technical characteristics, according to the request, I started to introduce characteristic in the content -- comprehensiveness, to explain why and how to combine the traditional Chinese paintings and modern Chinese language together and create a new an...more

After introducing Chinese painting's sorts and Technical characteristics, according to the request, I started to introduce characteristic in the content -- comprehensiveness, to explain why and how to combine the traditional Chinese paintings and modern Chinese language together and create a new an...more

When I introduced the 4 surface elements of Chinese painting. Mrs. Kat Allie -- the Department Chair of Fine Art Gallery Manager of OTC asked me the meaning of one of my stamp.

When I answer : That is 天道酬勤 -- tiān dào chóu qín - God help those who help themselves. Except use my n...more

Dr.Clifton M Smart(the second from right)-President of Missouri State University, Dr. Hai Higron( the third from right) - President of Ozarks Technique Community College, Mr. Lance Renner -- Dean of Ozarks Technique Community College and Dr. Steve - Provost of OTC came to my art exhibition, Feb 27, ...more

Mrs. Kat Allie (frist one from left) - the Department Chair of Fine Art Gallery Manager of OTC, Dr. Steve (second one from left) - Provost of OTC, Dr.Clifton M Smart (in the middle) -President of Missouri State University, Dr.Hai Higron (first one from right) - President of Ozarks Technique Communi...more
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