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Poetry & Painting Classes Events American Stories Art As a Bridge

I knew Mr. Patrick Sells in my art exhibition in Missouri State University in 2010. He came here and to find a painting of peacock for her wife. I said sorry I had not carried any peacock with me yet. But I would specially paint one for her wife.

Then I did it after I came back China and I s...more

I knew Ms. Stephanie in Jun or July, 2009.

I was lucky enough to have an opportunity to have my art exhibition sponsored by Chamber of Commerce and Springfield Regional Art Council by the good help of Mr. Brad Bodenhausen, Ms. Lead Hamilton and Mr. Gong Xiaoou in Sep, 2009.

Then Ms. ...more

At the extremely busy season, Monday noon, Nov 24, Mrs. Kat Allie - Department Chair of Fine Arts & Humanities and the Fine Art Gallery Manager, and Ms. Stephanie, Crammer - Director of Program & Expositions of Springfield Regional Art Council, MO, took some time to have a talking with me.


Mrs. Wanda Nava and her husband not only helped me most on my cross-culture and comprehensive art works in Springfield area, but also, it was they took me to the biggest church in Springfield, then it was they carried me to the Springfield Chinese Church.

Then I will be baptized there.

Base on the good talking with Mrs. Kim Flores, the manager of in Park Central Branch Library of Springfield - Greene County Library in Downtown and Miss Peggy Oct 26, 2013, I went to visit Miss Cassie F Nov 24, 2014.

After a good talking, Miss Cassie F was said that they would really sponsor...more

Base on the good talking with Mrs. Kim Flores, the manager of in Park Central Branch Library of Springfield - Greene County Library in Downtown and Miss Peggy Oct 26, 2013, I went to visit Miss Cassie F Nov 24, 2014.

After a good talking, Miss Cassie F was said that they would really sponsor...more

In Springfield Chinese Church, MO, USA, I met some senior pastors: Pastor Yan and his wife, Pastor Huang and his wife, Pastor Philip Cheuck and his wife; the senior Bible instructors: Ms. Lynn Borich and her husband from Missouri State University, their high level and responsible teaching about Chri...more

In Springfield Chinese Church, MO, USA, I met some senior pastors: Pastor Yan and his wife, Pastor Huang and his wife, Pastor Philip Cheuck and his wife; the senior Bible instructors: Ms. Lynn Borich and her husband from Missouri State University, their high level and responsible teaching about Chri...more

I found the name and the connected style of the head of Art and Design Department, Dr. Carolyn Cardenas via the university web site, I wrote to her and wished to have an opportunity to talk with her. I was lucky enough that I got her good responding and Ms. Julie arranged an appointment for us Wedne...more
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