- Life Style, Study Direction & Socical Service -- Shirley's 449th Friendly Greeting, May 7, 2014 [2014-05-07]
- Insprations- Shirley's 448th Friendly Greeting, April 29, 2014 [2014-04-29]
- Honor & Motivation - Shirley's 447th Friendly Greeting, April 22, 2014 [2014-04-21]
- Road- Shirley's 446th Friendly Greeting, April 16, 2014 [2014-04-15]
- The Best Teacher and A Day Dream- Shirley's 445th Friendly Greeting, April 8, 2014 [2014-04-08]
- Study, Thought & Work Hard - Shirley's 444th Friendly Greeting, March 31, 2014 [2014-04-01]
- The first 12 days in Beijing - Shirley's 443rd Friendly Greeting, March 23, 2014 [2014-03-23]
- The Last Week in the USA - Shirley's America Travel Diary -099 & 442nd Friendly Greeting, March 11, 2014 [2014-03-11]
- On the Road of Seeking a Dream - Shirley's America Travel Diary -098 & 441st Friendly Greeting, Feb 24, 2014 [2014-02-24]
- Teaching Others Teaches Myself - Shirley's America Travel Diary -097 & 440th Friendly Greeting, Feb 17, 2014 [2014-02-18]
- A Special Time - Shirley's America Travel Diary -096 & 439th Friendly Greeting, Feb 10, 2014 [2014-02-10]
- You are invited & welcome at my comprehensive art exhibition of Paitnings, Music & Poetry on the 3rd Floor Gillioz Theater, OTC Fine Art Gallery 6:00pm.-10:00pm. Feb 7, then be [2014-02-05]
- Spent Chinese New Year's Day in Study, Work & Thought in the USA-- Shirley's America Travel Diary -094 & 436th Friendly Greeting, Feb 1, 2014 [2014-02-02]
- Start Here-- Shirley's America Travel Diary -093 & 435th Friendly Greeting Jan 27, 2014 [2014-01-28]
- Keep Working Hard-- Shirley's America Travel Diary -092 & 434th Friendly Greeting Jan 21, 2014 [2014-01-22]
- English Support -- Shirley's America Travel Diary -091 & 433rd Friendly Greeting Jan 11, 2013 [2014-01-12]