
A Friendly Greeting From Shirley, China -- 001, Aug 30,2005

Hi, Dear Friend,

This is a friendly Greeting from Shirley, China.

First of all, I would like to appreciate your interesting in Chinese culture. Also I would like to appreciate you that write or wrote to me now or in the past time. What you had mentioned in your letters have given me an idea to do something to help you to know something more about China and Chinese cultures or to do some exchanging about Eastern and Western cultures. So I tried to open my own web site from this May. For making your visit more conveniently, I would like to send you a weekly newsletter to show you something new on my web site and to help you to know more about China and Chinese culture via my work on it. :-)

Below is something that I made for you on the weekend:
1As a learner and amateur on painting, music, English, a former professional Chinese Language and literature, I know that I often make mistakes in my writing and works. So, I really hope to get your understanding, supporting and helping. If you have any questions, comments, suggestions and directions, please write to or, you are welcomed.

Take care and have a great new day.
Sun., Aug 28, 2005

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