Chinese & Art Classroom

China's Art--Movies 002: China's Oscar

All of us know Oscar. Anyway, do you know anything about "China's Oscar"? I heard this name from the most authoritative newspaper of China -- People's Daily first time this week. It makes me think of a good suggestion from some friends that to open a column to introduce Chinese films. Yes, maybe it is also the best and most direct way for you to know Chinese cultures via a film.

So, today, I would like to introduce China's film from the most important reward ? “China's Oscar”. Hope you are interested in it. :-)

There were several different film rewards in the Mainland of China. In March, 2005, the China Government adjusted these rewards and made sure three national film rewards --The Golden Rooster Film Awards Of China, The Full Blossom Film Reward (Hundred Flowers Awards) Of China and The Huabiao Film Reward Of China.

The Golden Rooster Film Awards Of China -- "China's Oscar" or "The Reward By Experts":

It is called "China's Oscar" and "Experts' Reward", because it is the highest reward in the Chinese film circles'. It is held by the Chinese film Accoicitation and The China Federation of Literary and Art Circles. It is started in May, 1981. That year is Chinese Rooster Year. It chooses a Rooster to symbolize that China encourage people who are working in the filmdom to work hard -- as ancient Chinese to start to work as soon as they heard the rooters’ crowing and to publish their art view and art forms via different styles.

It includes about 20 awards, some of them very professional and the committees are made by experts in the film circles. So, it is called Experts' Reward and China's Oscar Reward.      

The 25th China's Golden Rooters Reward was given on Nov 13, 2005. Cheng Long (Jackie Chen ) Won the Best Leading Actor Reward.

The Full Blossom Film Reward (Hundred Flowers Awards) Of China -- "The Reward By Audience”

It started in 1962. It is held by "Dazhong Film" Magazine Office of the Chinese film Accoicitation, and The China Federation of Literary and Art Circles as well. It has about 7 rewards. The gainers of the rewards are selected by the audiences. So, it is also called "Audience’s Reward".

The words “Full Boomer/Hundred Flowers” symbolize that all of the films are just like the flowers are blooming and to encourage the film artist to create more and better films that are welcomed by the common Chinese people. :-)

The Huabiao Film Reward of China -- "The Reward By Government. "

Huabiao Film Reward Of China -- by The State Administration Of Radio Film And Television. It started in 1997. At the first time, it was help by the China Culture Department and now it is held by The State Administration Of Radio Film And Television of China.

It is an official reward by the Government. To publish the tunes from the Government is its main characteristics.

The 11st China Huabiao Film Reward was given on August 28, 2005. Ms. Zhang Ziyi won one of the Best Actresses Reward.

The golden Rooster and Full Blooming Film Festival:

The Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers File Festival was found by China by the by The China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and by the Chinese film Accoicitation and The China Federation of Literary and Art Circles in 1992. Every year has once for 5 days. It is the most important festival.

That’s all for today and I really hope it will give you a little bit help to know Chinese culture.

I would really like to thank Mr. George Jensen(U.S.A.),for he offered the beautiful photos. :-)   

If you have any questions, comments and suggestions, please write to , or, You are welcomed.
Written on Tue, Nov 15, 2005 and Edited On Sat, Nov 19, 2005

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