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Travel Diaries

Shirley's Essays: Lives - 007: Change Is Faster Than Plan :-)

In Chinese cultures, there is a phrase "Jihua bu ru fianhua", that means that a change is faster than a plan. :-)

Yes, it's true, especially as a manager to work in a company. :-) And now, I am in the emotion to tell you how to understand it via something that I am experiencing every day... :-)

Recently, I always want to focus on my researching report writing with more time, but, few weeks ago, I was asked to attend a manager meeting every morning and it usually uses for about 1.5 hours to prepare and be in the meeting room ? make sure what is the most important news points that we must report via   our TV, web sites, magazine... whether we have chose the best suitable ways to work, whether the tachnology, marketing and administration departments have anything need to be abjusted...

So, I told me to work more in the afternoons, then, in the first days this week, I had to have at least two meetings in the morning, then I was asked to attend a work to prepare an exhibition to celebrate our big shareholder's 16 anniversary. Last week, I was asked to attend some meeting by the biggest shareholder, then to take part in a work to prepare something for some local government would come our company to see whether they can give us a fund to support us to do some technology innovation and creative work as a high science and technology company... :-)

Ha, my plan was always changed so fast; I am really a little bit worrying how I can complete my work in time so that every Saturday morning, I have to come to the company to work for a while. After all, I never want to take any company’s work into my home... :-)

Could you please give me a good idea to change this situation? What would you do if you met the same thing as I do?

Have you understood the Chinese phrase -- Jihua Bu Ru Bian Ha?

jìhuà nùrú biànhuà
计划   不如   变化   --   计划不如变化

You can hit any Chinese character that you need help with, to see its Chinese pinyin, pronunciation, and meaning and follow me to read it.

If you have any questions, comments and suggestions, please write to , or, You are welcomed to publish your opinions in Forum For Friends as well. :-)   

Written It On Tuesday 24, 2006